Welcome Natalie Drew Emerson!
It is with immesaurable pride that we introduce the world to our new little baby girl - Natalie Drew Emerson.

Born April 14th at 4:57pm at Lucille Packard Childrens Hospital (Stanford - the same place both her parents were born), she was a perfect 6lbs 9oz and 19" long. Mom, Dad and baby are doing perfectly, although both mom and dad are very, very, very tired. Jana was in labor for 44 hours until we finally had to go in and get Natalie via a C-section.

More to come as we adjust to the realities of being parents, but suffice to say that we are over the moon with joy. In the meantime, please join us in welcoming our precious one into the family!
Jon, Jana & Natalie -
The Emerson Family.
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