My how time flies...

Has it really been 6 (now 7) weeks since our last post. Wow! Time really does fly by with a little one in your life. She's taken over everything, and we'd have it no other way. For the record, everything is great. Mom and Dad are settling into their new roles as parents, and Natalie is doing just great. She's now 12.5 weeks old, and progressing perfectly. We're beginning to enjoy little bits of interactivity and the occasional smile (which is enough to melt anyone), as well as a general sense that she's slowly becoming a little person.

Natalie got to meet some of her relatives over the last 2 weeks. Her Auntie Bridget, enjoying her extended summer vacation, came to visit and got to spend some quality time with the star attraction.

We also go to spend some time with Uncle Patrick, Auntie Kristina, and cousins Simon and Andrew. It was great to see everyone, and to spend time with our ever-growing families. Among other things wqe took a little walk downtown to get a little icecream for eveyone - Mmmm mmm good!