Welcome to Emersonland

Like Disneyland - only better...Now with Kids!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Gone to the Muppets...

The muppets have taken over (and that rabbit...I don't trust it for a second), but clearly nobody minds. A light moment during a feeding session - hey...gotta find the humor.

Things continue to go very well in Emersonland. We seem to have settled into the rythm of early parenthood. Natalie is what we'd characterize as a "grazer", eating on and off for long periods of time, and then napping for 3 hour stretches at a time. It's tough to have to be up for long feedings, but at least the girl's hungry. Jana's essentially a 24hr 7-11 for Natalie, but she is having a great time bonding during their time together so hasn't found it to be any problem at all.

Natalie is a really calm easy to sooth baby - at least for now - and we're managing to get decent sleep and both feel pretty darn good condsidering. We're really enjoying just spending time with her, getting to know her, memorizing her features, and learning her personality. What fun. It's astounding how fast she's changing! Her face is filling out a bit, her fingers and toes seem to change by the minute. Natalie's also becoming renown for her earth-shaking poops, which of course - per the last post - is something to celebrate.

The things you do for your kids.


Friday, April 21, 2006

The world on a string...

Until you become a parent, you cannot possibly understand how unimportant everything but your child becomes. She owns us. Don't get me wrong...we absolutely LOVE being beholden to our little Natalie, but I doubt we ever really comprehended the sheer volume of attention she demands. Thank goodness for friends and family, who have stepped up and offered endless love and support (and of course food!). I sure hope our little one learns to use her power wisely.

All three of us are doing great. Natalie had her first Dr's appt yesterday and is progressing as expected. She's gained a little weight - which for a 6lb 9oz baby is not a bad thing at all, and eveything else is just dandy. We've also now joined the legions of new parents in the celebration of poop. Every new poop is a measure of her health and vitality - we would have never guessed that we'd huddle over each dirty diaper to study the color and consistancy of what lies within. Not a pleasant task mind you, but a rewarding one.

The mere fact that I am sharing this should be a sign that we've morphed into parents. Life sure is good.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Natalie comes home...

Three little letters probably best sum up the way we feel right now - WOW.

There truly is no way for us to adequitely put into words our overwhelming joy with our little girl. The rest of the world has suddenly become diminished in importance.

As I write this with my free hand, Natalie is enjoying her first nap at home in her Daddy's arms. Momma is taking a long overdue and well-deserved nap. We'll be spending the next few days adjusting to the rythm (or lack thereof) of our life as a true family, but do check back often. We'll do our best to keep everyone updated.
Love to you all...
-Jon, Jana and Natalie (and George the wondercat too!)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Welcome Natalie Drew Emerson!

It is with immesaurable pride that we introduce the world to our new little baby girl - Natalie Drew Emerson.

Born April 14th at 4:57pm at Lucille Packard Childrens Hospital (Stanford - the same place both her parents were born), she was a perfect 6lbs 9oz and 19" long. Mom, Dad and baby are doing perfectly, although both mom and dad are very, very, very tired. Jana was in labor for 44 hours until we finally had to go in and get Natalie via a C-section.

More to come as we adjust to the realities of being parents, but suffice to say that we are over the moon with joy. In the meantime, please join us in welcoming our precious one into the family!

Jon, Jana & Natalie -
The Emerson Family.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Baby Update 2006!

For Immediate Release
Dateline: Mountian View, CA. April 9, 2006...

...we got nothing. Stay Tuned.

Friday, April 07, 2006

She's Late!

Nothing like 9 months of total anticipation, untold hours of preparation, and an approaching weekend to get you excited about a new kid arriving - but of course, she's decided she's not ready to meet her parents yet. We're literally in a holding pattern until she decides to start ringing the doorbell to come out.

We're so ready to meet our little girl. Just waitin' for the "push, push, push...breeeeethe".

More as we know it....