Hello from the Emersons!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Our little dumpling is now 16 months old (8/14). We can hardly believe how fast time has gone. She is very chatty with lots of things to say and interested in exploring things that she should be avoiding (ie. the paper shredder, our moody cat "George" etc.). She loves books, and learning new words...and putting sand in her mouth when we go to the park....and eating the cats food.
This spring life changed dramatically. May May (Jana's mom and friend) died of cancer on May 23, 2007 which is 6 years following the death of Jana's dad Thor (March 23, 2001). We miss them dearly, and have a long road of recovery ahead....May May and Thor were incredible, kind and generous people and we can only take what we learned from them about life and use it for our own future and teach Natalie the same. They will be loved always.
Here is a picture just 6 months before we lost MayMay...Kaitlin, Natalie, May May and Jess on Halloween.
Jana also finished school and has a Masters of science in Marraige and Family Therapy and Art Therapy! Thank god thats over with! Now only about 2000 more hours of work until she can sit for the exam...
In October Jon will go race in Mexico's la Carrera Panamericana. Good luck with that!!!